Wednesday, September 19, 2012


   I really enjoy the way this is writen. I enjoy the personal stroies and touches Goldberg adds into it. It makes me feel more connected to the writer and help be become more involved and focused on the story itself.
   I feel that this reading trys to help people understand that they are not only simply writing a story, but in fact putting part of them on paper. They use stories in their everday life to relate to the types of writing they do, or how they do it. They consider everything in writing something. What state of mind to be in, where to be, what tools you are using, ect. Some of these things I would have never thought of as being so deep into a writing.
   I am personaly not exactly a writer. I have in the past I could say, but I was young and they were odd stories I wrote when I felt bored or had nothing els to do. I can't say that I have ever tried to write a story for people to read and enjoy. This reading made me think about how to prepare or focus on writing. I can't just sit down and begin to write, it doesn't work like that. I have to think for awhile. Let the thoughts come to me first. As I did with the poem's we had to write this week. I could not just sit down and start writing them. I had to think about it for several days. What in my life is causing me pain? How can I express this? What can I say to show this, but not as direct? I found it was so much harder than I thought it was going to be. After days of thinking about it, I had a go at the poems, and I can't say they will ever be published, but I really do enjoy them. I think they cover the topics in a simple way. Not going to lie, I really love my poems, and happy with how they turned out.
   Back to the reading, I feel that it can help writers starting out to become better writers and how to become that better writer.

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