Wednesday, September 26, 2012

City Eclogue by Ed Roberson

Personally, I'm not a big poem person. I feel that most of the poems that are meant to be deep and sentimental are just so confusing to me. They don't seem to make sense and talk about the most random things. When writing my poems and sonnets, I wrote them pretty straight forward and I'm pretty sure the reader can tell what they are about. I found myself thinking that they were way too straight forward and trying to think of things to compair my feelings to, to make the poems seem more deep and less straight forward. I'm not exactly sure if this is how it was, not supposed to be, but allowed to be written. Should the comparing to other things come natural or should I really be forced to think about it. I guess poems are just really confusing to me.
In the book 'City Eclogue' by Ed Roberson was a really deep and confusing book for me to read. I did enjoy some parts of it, but most of it I was just so confused and really had no idea what was going on. The very first poem 'stand-in invocation' was when I knew that this book was going to be a difficult read. but after a few more poems and pages in the book, I found myself liking the book so much more. the very first line from 'sit in what city were in' on page 26, was really great to me. It is 'Someone may want to know one day how many steps we took to cross one of our streets', and I feel like it means that it may not seem like whatever they are going through right now may not seem important or worth knowing, but one day someone will want to know what they went through, and what they felt, and this just really said something to me that I really liked.
One poem I did not understand at all was 'sequoia sempervirens' o page 18. Just the whole poem as one was beyond me. I felt odd and not smart when I read it because I just could not figure out what they were talking about. There were other poems in this book that did the same with me; not being able to understand it, but this one was just a general one that I couldnt understand. Just like the poem that spook to me, there were many others that did the same, its just that that one was a major one that I really loved.
I just hope that we can move on from theses poems. I do enjoy them at times, and writing them is pretty fun, but I just would rather understand what Im reading and writing about.

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