Saturday, September 8, 2012

Introduction: about Kendall.

Hey! I'm Kendall. I am a freshman at EMU and creative writing is one of my 5 classes for my very first semester. I work at McDonald's and Hungry Howies and am a full time student, so I have no more social life. I have one 8, almost 9, year old brother named Preston. His favorite thing about me is that I work at McDonald's and can bring him home chicken nuggets. I also have two loving parents, who I will be living with during my college life, considering its too much money to live on campus, for now. I love reading, but don't do it as much as I would like to. I also love writing, but I honestly can't remember the last time I tried writing anything interesting. Besides this I guess. I am a math major, as of now. I'm considering changing it, but I still have no idea what to. I am taking this class to maybe give me help and a little push to becoming a good writer, if it be papers for school or a story I want to create. On a personal note, I am pretty shy at first,  but I swear once I get to know you I'll be non-stop talking. Anything else I should add? Well, I have two cats, Adolf and Obi, and I can for sure say I am a cat lady. Soon to be crazy cat lady. So, I will be showing up to class covered in cat hair. Ending on a school related note, I am very excited for this class, and what it has to teach me.

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